What kind of teeth need to be corrected?

Teeth and facial beauty is closely related, and with the improvement of people’s living standards, people pay more and more attention to teeth, one of the big reasons is the beauty of teeth. Of course, people pay more attention to health, including dental health nowadays. What exactly are healthy teeth? What are the standards for healthy teeth? In fact, for healthy teeth, the modern standard is not only that the teeth are free from caries, gums and periodontal tissue are free of diseases, but also that the teeth are neatly arranged, have a moderate inclination, and have good functions. 

At the same time, the arrangement of the teeth should be coordinated with the soft and hard tissues of the face to form a harmonious beauty of the face. Orthodontics just uses orthodontic appliances to straighten the teeth, form a coordinated occlusal function between the upper and lower teeth, and achieve the goal of aesthetics by changing the coordination relationship between the soft and hard tissues of the lower face. Because of this, orthodontics plays an important role in teeth and facial aesthetics.

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Situations where teeth need to be corrected

1. Crowded dentition

The teeth come in and out, and there is serious crowding, which seriously affects the beauty and appearance of the patient’s teeth.

2. Gap between teeth

It can be seen that the front teeth are not tightly arranged, sparse, and there are gaps between teeth, which seriously affect the appearance and appearance of the patient’s front teeth.

3. Protruding teeth

The inclination of the front teeth is not good, whether it is protruding or inclining, it will affect the beauty of the teeth and face. The technical term is deep coverage.

4. Cover too deep

This means that when the upper and lower teeth bite together, the upper teeth completely cover the lower teeth, which is less aesthetically pleasing

5. Underbite

We all know that usually the upper front teeth are outside the lower front teeth, and the upper front teeth should cover the lower front teeth. However, some people’s upper front teeth bite into the inside of the lower front teeth, that is, anterior crossbite occurs, which also has a great impact on the appearance.

From what has been discussed above, we can clearly see that the arrangement and occlusion of teeth have a great impact on the appearance of teeth and face. Only through orthodontics, rearranging the teeth, and restoring the normal alignment and occlusal alignment of the upper and lower front teeth, can the beauty of the teeth and face be regained.

Generally speaking, if it is just a simple misalignment of the teeth and gaps in the dentition, it can be corrected without tooth extraction, wearing a fixed appliance, aligning the dentition, or closing the gap, and a good orthodontic effect and aesthetics can be achieved.

What is the process of orthodontics?

For the process of orthodontic treatment, since the tooth movement is a relatively long process, and the health of the teeth must be ensured, the speed of moving the teeth should not be too fast, otherwise it will damage the health of the teeth. Generally speaking, the correction process takes 2-3 years.

The orthodontic process needs to go through the process of obtaining research data, measuring and calculating, designing a plan, and wearing orthotics. Generally, a comprehensive dental examination and treatment is required before wearing aligners, including treatment of decayed teeth, cleaning of teeth, etc.

At present, the conventional method adopted in orthodontics is to bond braces on the tooth surface. According to the patient's aesthetic requirements, braces can be divided into two types, one is stainless steel and the other is ceramic. If you have higher requirements for aesthetics, it is recommended to choose to wear lingual aligners (bonded to the inner surface of the teeth) and invisible orthodontics (removable transparent braces).

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