Community Helping Place Free Dental Clinic



Dahlonega, GA - 30533, 56 Camp Glisson Road

About This Clinic

CHP Free Dental Clinic is available to clients that live in Lumpkin County, GA and are completely uninsured (No Medicaid or Medicare) and are of low income. We are currently only performing simple extractions. We are able to have hygiene appointments if a hygienist is available. We accept new patient applications on Thursdays from 10:00 to 1:00. Please bring proof of residency, income information for your household and a photo I.D. Our dental appointments are on Fridays from 8:00 to 1:00.


Anchorage, Student-Run
Community Helping Place Free Dental Clinic

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Please be aware that not all clinics are totally cost-free. Sliding Scale doesn't mean free. Many times, we will include surrounding clinics in our search results because certain cities only have a small number of clinics. The information about the clinics is provided on the page, but we cannot guarantee that it is true; you must contact the clinic directly. Depending on your income or the kind of financial support the clinic provides, the price of its services may vary. To talk about the costs of various services, get in touch with the clinic directly. Please get in touch with us if you discover any outdated or improper information on our website.

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