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What kind of teeth need to be corrected?
Situations where teeth need to be corrected1. Crowded dentitionThe teeth come in and out, and there is serious crowding, which seriously affects the beauty and appearance of the patient’s teeth.2. Gap between teethIt can be seen that the front teeth are not tightly arranged, sparse, and there are gaps between teeth, which seriously affect the appearance and appearance of the patient’s front teeth.3. Protruding teethThe inclination of the front teeth is not good, whether it is protruding or inclining, it will affect the beauty of the teeth and face. The technical term is deep coverage.4. Cover too deepThis means that when the upper and lower teeth bite together, the upper teeth completely cover the lower teeth, which is less aesthetically pleasing5. UnderbiteWe all know that usually the upper front teeth are outside the lower front teeth, and the upper front teeth should cover the lower front teeth. However, some people’s upper front teeth bite into the inside of the lower front teeth, that is, anterior crossbite occurs, which also has a great impact on the appearance.From what has been discussed above, we can clearly see that the arrangement and occlusion of teeth have a great impact on the appearance of teeth and face. Only through orthodontics, rearranging the teeth, and restoring the normal alignment and occlusal alignment of the upper and lower front teeth, can the beauty of the teeth and face be regained.Generally speaking, if it is just a simple misalignment of the teeth and gaps in the dentition, it can be corrected without tooth extraction, wearing a fixed appliance, aligning the dentition, or closing the gap, and a good orthodontic effect and aesthetics can be achieved.What is the process of orthodontics?For the process of orthodontic treatment, since the tooth movement is a relatively long process, and the health of the teeth must be ensured, the speed of moving the teeth should not be too fast, otherwise it will damage the health of the teeth. Generally speaking, the correction process takes 2-3 years.The orthodontic process needs to go through the process of obtaining research data, measuring and calculating, designing a plan, and wearing orthotics. Generally, a comprehensive dental examination and treatment is required before wearing aligners, including treatment of decayed teeth, cleaning of teeth, etc.At present, the conventional method adopted in orthodontics is to bond braces on the tooth surface. According to the patient's aesthetic requirements, braces can be divided into two types, one is stainless steel and the other is ceramic. If you have higher requirements for aesthetics, it is recommended to choose to wear lingual aligners (bonded to the inner surface of the teeth) and invisible orthodontics (removable transparent braces).
How Long Should Our Teeth Be Cleaned by Dentists
Dental cleaning is a professional oral care procedure that stop dental caries and periodontal disease from removing tartar from the teeth. Tartar is a layer of unhealthy material formed by food residues and the augmentation of bacteria in the mouth, which can lead to bacterial growth and gum problems if not removed in time. Therefore, dental cleaning is one of the important steps in maintaining healthy teeth. According to the advice of specialized dentists, adults should generally go to the hospital every 6 months to have their teeth cleaned. This is because: first, having your teeth cleaned every 6 months can ensure that your teeth remain clean and healthy. Second, regular dental cleaning can help detect and early detect potential oral health problems such as dental caries and oral cancer. Thirdly, dental calculus can also be removed and the tooth surface smoothed during dental cleaning to preclude the growth of bacteria and the occurrence of oral illness. However, relying solely on teeth cleaning per 6 months doesn't work for everyone. Depending on personal differences and oral health, several people might need more frequent teeth cleaning, while others may be able to extend the time interval. Here are some factors that can help you determine how often you clean your teeth. 1. Oral healthIf you have a history of teeth disease or other buccal health problems, such as sensitive teeth, caries, significant tartar buildup, etc., then you may need more frequent dental cleaning. Your dentist will tailor your cleaning plan to your specific situation to ensure that your oral health is best managed and cared for. 2. Rate of tooth decay and tartar formationSome people are prone to tooth decay and tartar formation on the teeth, which may be due to dietary habits, tooth structure or oral bacteria species. If you find yourself prone to forming cavities and tartar, then you may need more frequent dental cleaning to effectively remove and prevent it. 3. Oral hygiene habitsYou’d better brush your teeth, which is key to keeping your mouth clean. If you stick to brushing twice a day, and using the right cleaning techniques, your oral health is likely to be better and you may be able to lengthen the intervals between dental cleanings. In addition to the above factors, exploring the frequency of dental cleaning also needs to take into account the individual's oral health goals and the specialized advice of the oral doctor. Some people may want to sustain optimal oral health, so opt for a dental cleaning program every 3 months. Some people may be able to extend the interval to once a year. According to your individual situation and needs, the dentist will determine the frequency of dental cleaning that is suitable for you. Overall, dental cleaning every half a year is a reasonable advice for most people. However, everyone has different oral health conditions and needs, so more frequent or less frequent dental cleaning is also something to consider. Choose a cleaning frequency that works for you and keep in regular contact with your dentist to ensure that your oral health remains good. In addition, good oral habits, such as brushing and mouthwash, are also key to keeping good health.
The Basics You Need to Know About Seeing a Dentist in the US
1. You must first understand your dental insuranceBefore going to the dentist, everyone should read your insurance carefully, figure out your coverage, and understand what items you can enjoy. The most direct way is to call and ask. 2. Make an appointment with the dentistBefore making an appointment with a dentist, you can log in to your own dental insurance website, and check which in network dentists are around you (in network doctors, as the name implies, are dentists recognized by your insurance company that will pay for insurance) or you can ask your friends around you, Let everyone recommend a more reliable. 3. Going to the dentist for the first time requires some forms to fill outWhen you go to the dentist for the first time, you need to go 15 minutes in advance, and then you have to fill out some forms. Fill in your own information, including name, address, work unit, etc. The most important thing is to provide your SSN number, birthday and your dental insurance company. In this way, the dentist can enter your information into the system, and then automatically calculate the cost of each dental visit you need. In addition to repeatedly confirming basic personal information, there are also some questionnaires, such as when was the last time you checked your teeth and cleaned your teeth, mainly to let the dentist know more about your condition. 4. X-rayThe first dental visit requires an X-ray. And the insurance cover basically does an X-ray every 1-2 years. Taking X-rays allows the dentist to see the condition of your teeth more comprehensively and clearly. For example, you can see the condition of the bone, whether the position of the teeth is correct, whether there is tooth decay, whether there is bacterial infection or something. A picture is taken for every 2-4 teeth, usually 10-16 pictures are taken. The way to shoot is to let you bite something similar to a collimator in your mouth, and then adjust the angle to shoot every one of your teeth. These photos will all be stored in the dentist’s system. 5. Gum MeasurementGum measurement is mainly that the doctor pokes your gums with a thin needle to measure the gap between the gums and the bone, and the value range is 1-10. Generally speaking, 1-3 is a very healthy area. The larger the value, the more serious the tooth is infected by bacteria, and the easier it is for the tooth to fall off. The value of 10 means that it will fall out at the first touch. 6. Teeth cleaning is divided into Deep Clean and Regular CleanDeep Clean generally does less, and the insurance probably covers about 50%, and the original price ranges from about 700-1200. Deep Clean is mainly aimed at people with severe and swollen gums, or those who are going to have their teeth extracted. Because there are regulations in the United States, if patients suffer from inflammation or potential inflammation, they cannot extract their teeth, mainly to avoid infection.Regular Clean is an item covered by general insurance, and it is free twice a year. It is relatively simple without anesthesia, but there may be bleeding and discomfort at the beginning of scaling, just get used to it slowly. Regular Clean is a relatively routine dental maintenance project, mainly to clean up tartar and remove bacteria between teeth. 7. Discuss treatment options with patientsIf there is no problem with your teeth, you can leave after cleaning. If there are problems with your teeth, the doctor will generally formulate some treatment plans.
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