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Dangers of Wisdom Teeth and Do We Have to Remove It?
First, let's take a look at the dangers wisdom teeth can cause. 1. Crowded teethWisdom teeth are the last teeth in the mouth and may not have enough room to grow smoothly. When wisdom teeth start to grow, they can put pressure on other teeth, causing crowding and misalignment. 2. Cause inflammation and infectionBecause wisdom teeth grow deep in the mouth, this makes cleaning difficult, easy to breed bacteria and food debris accumulation. This can lead to inflammation and infection around the wisdom teeth, causing symptoms such as swollen gums, fever, and difficulty occluding. 3. Periodontal diseaseBecause wisdom teeth are often difficult to clean, it is easy to form dental plaque and dental stones, which may lead to periodontal diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis. 4. Cysts and tumorsCysts and tumors may form around wisdom teeth. These cysts and tumors can cause damage to the surrounding teeth, bones and soft tissues and potentially trigger other serious oral diseases. So does everyone need to have their wisdom teeth removed? In fact, not everyone needs to have their wisdom teeth removed, depending on a number of factors, including the location of the wisdom teeth, health status, and oral structure. For those who develop problems related to wisdom teeth, removal of wisdom teeth may be a wise choice. And here are the following circumstances may warrant the removal of wisdom teeth. 1. Pain and discomfortWisdom tooth growth can cause pain, swelling, and discomfort, which may need to be removed to relieve symptoms. 2. Crowded and misaligned teethIf your wisdom teeth begin to put pressure on other teeth, causing them to be crowded and misaligned, removing your wisdom teeth can improve tooth alignment and occlusion. 3. Prevent potential problemsHealthy wisdom teeth are removed to prevent potential problems such as infections, periodontal disease, or cysts and tumors that damage the surrounding teeth and bones. Although removal of wisdom teeth may be necessary, individual circumstances should also be considered. Before making a decision, you should consult an experienced dentist for a detailed evaluation and discussion. In addition, there are cases where it may be decided to keep wisdom teeth. For example, it may be feasible to keep wisdom teeth if they are grown in a suitable location, do not affect the surrounding teeth or oral health, and can be cleaned effectively. Finally, we need to emphasize that whether wisdom teeth are removed or retained, regular oral health care, good oral hygiene habits, and regular visits to the dentist to monitor the health of wisdom teeth are required. According the the discussions and analysis mentioned above, we have a clear and comprehensive knowledge on wisdom teeth, the potential harms it may bring and whether to remove it or not. We know that wisdom teeth may bring a series of harm, including tooth crowding, inflammation and infection, periodontal disease. A lot of people say that when the wisdom teeth grow bigger, they will crowd the other teeth of yours, as a consequence, because the space of your mouth is enough, the friction and the collision between teeth will affect your gum and make it swell and turn red and lead to periodontitis. At present, an abundance of people have removed their wisdom teeth, and a growing number of people plan to do. As for you, it depends on your preferences and the conditions of your wisdom teeth.
How Long Should Our Teeth Be Cleaned by Dentists
Dental cleaning is a professional oral care procedure that stop dental caries and periodontal disease from removing tartar from the teeth. Tartar is a layer of unhealthy material formed by food residues and the augmentation of bacteria in the mouth, which can lead to bacterial growth and gum problems if not removed in time. Therefore, dental cleaning is one of the important steps in maintaining healthy teeth. According to the advice of specialized dentists, adults should generally go to the hospital every 6 months to have their teeth cleaned. This is because: first, having your teeth cleaned every 6 months can ensure that your teeth remain clean and healthy. Second, regular dental cleaning can help detect and early detect potential oral health problems such as dental caries and oral cancer. Thirdly, dental calculus can also be removed and the tooth surface smoothed during dental cleaning to preclude the growth of bacteria and the occurrence of oral illness. However, relying solely on teeth cleaning per 6 months doesn't work for everyone. Depending on personal differences and oral health, several people might need more frequent teeth cleaning, while others may be able to extend the time interval. Here are some factors that can help you determine how often you clean your teeth. 1. Oral healthIf you have a history of teeth disease or other buccal health problems, such as sensitive teeth, caries, significant tartar buildup, etc., then you may need more frequent dental cleaning. Your dentist will tailor your cleaning plan to your specific situation to ensure that your oral health is best managed and cared for. 2. Rate of tooth decay and tartar formationSome people are prone to tooth decay and tartar formation on the teeth, which may be due to dietary habits, tooth structure or oral bacteria species. If you find yourself prone to forming cavities and tartar, then you may need more frequent dental cleaning to effectively remove and prevent it. 3. Oral hygiene habitsYou’d better brush your teeth, which is key to keeping your mouth clean. If you stick to brushing twice a day, and using the right cleaning techniques, your oral health is likely to be better and you may be able to lengthen the intervals between dental cleanings. In addition to the above factors, exploring the frequency of dental cleaning also needs to take into account the individual's oral health goals and the specialized advice of the oral doctor. Some people may want to sustain optimal oral health, so opt for a dental cleaning program every 3 months. Some people may be able to extend the interval to once a year. According to your individual situation and needs, the dentist will determine the frequency of dental cleaning that is suitable for you. Overall, dental cleaning every half a year is a reasonable advice for most people. However, everyone has different oral health conditions and needs, so more frequent or less frequent dental cleaning is also something to consider. Choose a cleaning frequency that works for you and keep in regular contact with your dentist to ensure that your oral health remains good. In addition, good oral habits, such as brushing and mouthwash, are also key to keeping good health.
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