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All About Dental Braces
First of all, why do I need braces? Crooked teeth and a bad bite are problems that many people face. Uneven teeth can lead to oral hygiene problems, difficulty chewing and abnormal occlusion. Through braces, the position and bite of the teeth can be adjusted to improve oral health, making the teeth more beautiful and the bite more normal. Second, here are the types of dental braces. 1. Traditional metal bracesMetal braces are the most common and affordable option. It consists of a wire and a metal bracket that adjusts the teeth by gradually applying pressure. 2. Ceramic bracesCeramic braces are similar to metal braces, but use ceramic materials, which have better aesthetics and can be suitable for the original tooth colors. 3. Invisible bracesInvisible braces are an alternative to traditional braces. It is made of a transparent plastic material that is almost imperceptible and is suitable for patients who need minor corrections. Third, the correction processes of braces are as follows. 1. Dental evaluationBefore starting the correction, the dentist will conduct a comprehensive oral evaluation, including oral examination, photography, oral impression, etc., to understand the condition of your teeth and develop a personalized correction plan. 2. Braces installationAccording to the individual situation, the dentist will choose the appropriate type of braces and make customized braces according to the impression. Retainer installation usually requires one or more installation and adjustments. 3. Regular adjustmentsDuring the time of wearing braces, you need to go to the dentist regularly for adjustments to gradually adjust the position of your teeth. This can take months or even years, depending on the individual's correction needs. 4. Stability periodAfter the correction, it is necessary to wear a retainer for a period of time to keep the position of the teeth stable. Usually, the retainer is worn while sleeping, gradually reducing the time spent wearing it. Fourth, pay attention to the precautions for braces. 1. Teeth and braces cleaningWearing braces requires special attention to oral cleaning. Rinse your mouth and clean your teeth and braces after each meal to prevent food retention and bacterial growth. Clean your braces regularly using floss, a floss stick or a gap brush. 2. Dietary restrictionsAvoid hard and sticky food during the wearing of braces, so as not to damage the braces or cause them to fall off. Chewing hard or sticky foods can easily damage the braces and prolong the correction time. 3. Comfort with bracesWhen you start wearing braces, you may feel discomfort and mouth pain, which is normal. Gargling with warm water, applying cold compresses and wearing them correctly can reduce discomfort. 4. Regular visits and adjustmentsRegular visits and adjustments are important to ensure that the correction is progressing properly. Report discomfort or other problems to your dentist in time so that adjustments can be made. 5. Wear time and persistenceThe orthodontic process of braces takes time and patience, and you need to follow your dentist's suggestions and advice, and make regular adjustments and follow-up visits to ensure the best results. Fifth, the advantage and disadvantage of braces 1. AdvantageBraces are a proven correction method that can solve crooked teeth and occlusal problems and improve oral hygiene and appearance. 2. DisadvantageWearing braces may cause some discomfort to the mouth, which may infect the daily life of the patients. For example, it will be hard when eating and chewing food.
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